Maximize returns.
Avoid additional risk.

Leverage the power of AI to optimize battery performance and manage risk.

Control uncertainty via the power of AI

Gridmatic applies AI to the increasing complexity and volatility of energy markets to ensure optimal results for storage systems while supporting grid needs. We take on the challenge of forecasting prices and accurately timing market participation with strategies tailored to owners’ specific risk-reward objectives. We operate battery systems in ERCOT and CAISO and offer the following:


Why partner with us

Gridmatic is the leader in leveraging artificial intelligence to optimize wholesale energy market trades for storage operators.

Leader in Day-ahead Real-time (DART) Trading

With industry-leading forecasting based on deep neural networks, we incorporate historical price, weather, and load data, and produce probabilistic price forecasts at the nodal level.

Level 4 QSE

As a Level 4 QSE in ERCOT, we act as the market-facing entity handling bids, interfacing with ERCOT, and providing QSE scheduling services.

Risk-reward customization

We employ sophisticated AI-driven strategies to secure the best possible revenue outcome without increasing the risk profile relative to ancillary service “failure to provide” hours.

Automation with oversight

Our AI autonomously operates market participation and is supported by 24/7 monitoring from our trade desk, plus human oversight to ensure the AI trader has what’s needed for optimal performance.

Cross-country coverage

Gridmatic is active across all 7 U.S. ISOs in terms of financial trading, energy retail supply for C&I customers, and/or storage optimization.

300 MW under contract across CAISO and ERCOT

Mark Tholke

Managing Principal, GSR Energy

The storage industry is growing rapidly and asset owners need every possible advantage to stay competitive. AI is the next frontier and the team at Gridmatic is comprised of world-class experts that are defining the crossroads of electricity markets and AI.
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Day-ahead market forecasting

With revenues from ancillary services declining due to decreasing prices and saturation, Gridmatic’s excellence in short-term forecasting provides a distinct advantage as revenue profiles continue to shift amid increasing arbitrage opportunities.

Storage optimization: Powered by Gridmatic’s AI Leadership

To optimize revenues, forecast accuracy across day-ahead and real-time energy trading is paramount. Gridmatic demonstrates proven strength in forecasting excellence to deliver best-in-industry battery market participation.

32% potential increase in revenue using the Gridmatic battery scheduler

Read our ERCOT Storage Report for details

Download Report

Leveraging AI to optimize renewable energy trades for storage operators

Let us help you reduce risk and optimize your energy returns.
